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July 2017 Newsletter - Backup or Restore

Published on July 1, 2017

I thought backup was all I needed ... But what if you can't restore it?

The latest wave of Ransomware makes it clear: we need to store our data somewhere safe. Data has to have a backup or restore option. Backing up your precious data is like depositing money in the bank ... you feel safe and protected. But how do you feel if you suddenly need money and the bank is closed? Or you discover that the amount you need urgently cannot be withdrawn until next week? Money in the bank has to be accessible Backups of your data have to be accessible That's where RTO becomes important (Recovery Time Objective) ... does your business continuity plan have you back up and running in a reasonable time? Once the disaster has struck, how long can you afford to wait for your computers to be back to normal? (If you don't have a business continuity plan, call us and we will help you build one. Yes, you need one.) The other acronym, RPO (Recovery Point Objective) has to do with how much data you lose when disaster strikes. Suppose your computers are abducted by aliens at 2 pm today ... when was your last backup? Last night? or last week? wouldn't it be great if you had a backup from only an hour ago? The further back you have to go, the harder it is to recreate all the work that is now lost. So, here is the takeaway:
  • You need a business continuity plan
  • You need a short RPO
  • You need a short RTO
Will it cost a lot? It will cost a lot less than your business being shut down for hours ... or days. We will prepare a business continuity plan for you - just send an email to info@allcareit.com with the subject "Free Plan"

Call or email us today for more info on backup or restore services!